Physical Education, including swimming (Junior children only), is an important part of the curriculum, providing the children with regular exercise. Infant and Junior pupils develop their skills in regular PE lessons, taught by a specialist teacher from I3 (Year 2) upwards.
Sports taught to the Junior children in weekly games and PE lessons include:
- Athletics
- Cricket
- Cross Country
- Gymnastics
- Hockey
- Indoor Athletics
- Netball
- Rounders
- Rugby
- Swimming
- Tennis
Most sports are also offered as clubs, run at lunch times and after school. The school has a strong fixture list against other independent and state schools. Matches and competitions take place during the week and on Saturdays.
In addition to this all the Junior children take part in a wide range of House Sports competitions.
The PE Department has two specialist teachers (one male and one female). All pupils in the Juniors participate in over three hours of physical activity per week during curriculum time.
The facilities of the school are excellent comprising of a well-equipped hall, netball court, rugby pitch, athletics track, long jump pit, shot put circle, high jump bed and cricket nets. The Junior School also makes good use of the Senior School’s Astroturf, cricket square and sports hall. The local swimming pool is within walking distance of the school.