16 July 2017

Image of J4 Enterprise Week

During the week prior to half term all the J4  pupils took part in their annual Enterprise Week. The week ‘kicked off’ with a visit from Mrs Davies, a former parent of KGJS, who was influential in instigating the concept to KGJS several years ago. This got the children buzzing and raring to go! After dividing into six teams, the pupils began to cultivate a business strategy to develop, manufacture and market a fairground-style game to the remainder of the Junior pupils. Having appointed CEOs and Directors for specific roles, the businesses were judged on a presentation, gross and net profit from sales (Grammar Whammers only!) and team cooperation. We were delighted to invite Mr Chesworth in to school to assist with the judging of the presentations and to give the pupils an inspiring insight into the world of business. All of the pupils had a tremendous week in which they worked exceptionally hard and had a lot of fun along the way. The overall winners of Enterprise Week 2017 showed outstanding business acumen that wowed the judges. They also cleared the greatest net profit of the week through shrewd marketing and planning. Congratulations to the Animal Rescue! team of Sam (The Boss), Heidi, Luca, Wills and Pippa, and to the whole of J4 for a truly inspiring week.

Tags: 2016-2017 infantsandjuniors