7 December 2017

Image of Soldiers for the Day

On Wednesday 29 November, the J3 children went over to the Senior School to see what it may have been like to be a soldier in the Second World War. They saw real guns and parachutes and tried on helmets, which were very heavy and felt like having a tortoise shell on their head! Everyone had a go at putting camouflage face paint on, while trying to spot a selection of soldier objects in the woods! The children also had the opportunity to go in the Rifle Range, where everyone had a go at shooting real guns and they also learned all about the food rations that a World War II soldier would have carried with him! They regrouped and marched back to the Junior School, just in time for lunch! Thank you to the teachers and students at the Senior School who helped to bring the experience to life!



Tags: 2017-2018 infantsandjuniors