19 November 2020

Image of Pre-School Celebrate World Nursery Rhyme Week

This week, our Pre-School children have been celebrating World Nursery Rhyme week. Research has found that knowing nursery rhymes can improve children's reading and mathematical skills as they progress throughout their education.

On Monday, the children started off the week learning 'Five Currant Buns' and created a Bakers Shop role play area.

On Tuesday, the children enjoyed a 'Wheels on the Bus' PE lesson and rolled big tyres to improve their physical development. Using the large construction the children made their own bus before, later in the afternoon, using recyclable materials to make their own small model buses to take home!

The children learned 'Hickory Dickory Dock' on Wednesday and played a maths game using a clock which involved the children finding a given number. They also built their own small world 'Old MacDonald' farm using different textures.

Today, the children came to Pre-School dressed as different nursery rhyme characters. They all looked fabulous!

Tomorrow, to conclude a wonderful week, the children will set up a 'Miss Polly had a Dolly' hospital role play area for the Pre-School dolls.

A selection of photographs can be viewed on our KGS Flickr page via the link below...


Tags: infantsandjuniors 2020-2021